Saturday, 7 May 2016

Autumn Update

It seems that every post I write on here starts with an apology for not posting enough and a promise to 'be better'. The former is true once more, but I'm not convinced about the latter yet.

A lot has happened in the last 4 months since my last post, some of which is music related! I've started a new open mic night at The Wharf Bar in Walsall, booked some more cool acts to play at The Grain Store Live Sessions, re-started the Fox & Anchor sessions for this summer as well as booking in at some new gigs and festivals for the coming weeks and months. There are more details of these on the gigs section of my website :)

Off the stage is where my life has changed the most. At 19:49 on April the 2nd my son Buddy Costello Draisey was born! He is absolutely amazing and I couldn't imagine my life without him. He's already been to his first gigs at Village Coffee and The Fox & Anchor, though he usually gets more attention than me when he turns up!

We've also moved into our house, which should hopefully mean (after some more DIY jobs are done) that the studio can be put in and I can FINALLY get to working on this album I've been promising. I know, you'll believe it when you see it, but I promise it is on the horizon.