Tuesday, 28 February 2012

End of an era?

This past week I have potentially waved goodbye to my most long-standing of open mic institutions, the monthly open mic at The Woodman in Bilbrook. Due to lack of funds in the entertainment kitty, I performed what looks like being my last gig there last week without being paid.
I have nothing but happy memories of the place, the people and the nights we put on, including some memorable impromptu performances and collaborations at Christmas special open mics that I will never forget. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who ever came and played, watched, sang along of just turned up and made the nights what they were.
Thank you everyone. It was a wonderful journey :)

1 comment:

  1. The pub used to be a focal point for local folk and the open mic was the best night of the week. Just poker and horse racing now. No atmosphere. Another faceless boozer. Let us know if you move elswhere in the village.
    Thanks for all your efforts and great nights.
